The Illinois Geographical Society (IGS) supports up to thee research grants per year, each with a maximum award of $1000. Grant recipients receive 75% of their award up front, and the remaining 25% of their award after they present the findings of their research at our annual meeting and a one-page summary of their research findings received by the Central Office.
Research Grant Recipient 2024
Daniel Kpienbaareh, Ph.D. (Illinois State University) The Political Economy of National Parks in the Context of Competing Demands in resource-poor Locations
Tianyu Li, Ph.D ( Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) Leveraging GeoAI for Identifying Run-Down Neighborhoods: A 'Big Data' Approach
Research Grant Recipient 2023
Daniel Kpienbaareh, Ph.D. (Illinois State University) Local knowledge, agroecology, and land tenure practices improve forest quality and promote community-based restoration
Wendy L. Zeller Zigaitis ( Penn State University) Minding the gaps: Geospatial Synthesis of Poaching Patterns Using a Web-based Tool
Research Grant Recipient 2022
Andrea S. Pimentel Rivera (University of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign) Cooperative futures and infrastructure justice in passenger ferry travel in Vieques, Puerto Rico
Research Grant Recipients 2021
Courtney Gallaher (Northern Illinois University) Pandemic Gardening: Will home gardens create greater social and ecological resiliency in local food systems?
Melissa Heil, Bollin, & Gallagher (Illinois State University) Mapping the Uneven Geography of Water Disconnection Policy in Central Illinois
Lana Nussbaumer (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) Mental Health Access in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area
Research Grant Recipients 2020
Sonia Morales ( Northeastern Illinois University ) Analyzing Segregation in the Periphery of Latin American Cities Using Remote Sensing
Adriana E. Martinez (Southern Illinois University -Edwardsville) The Hydrological Impacts of the U.S. - Mexico Border Fence along the Rio Grande River, Texas
Lisa Tranel, Ph.D ( Illinois State University) Processes of Hillslope Evolution in Starved Rock State Park
Research Grant Recipients 2019
Christopher R. Laingen, Ph.D (Eastern Illinois University) “Abandoned Farms in Southwestern Minnesota”
Geoffrey Brown (Northeastern Illinois University) “The Truth is Out Where?: Rurality and Heterotopia in Two Decades of UFO Sightings”
Sunita George, Raymond Green (Western Illinois University) “The Macomb Food Cooperative: An Exploration into an Alternative Food Network in Rural Midwest”
Alec Foster, Ph.D (Illinois State University) “Terra Nullius or Terra Incongita?: Documenting Land Use Practices in Philadelphia”
Research Grant Recipients 2017
Thomas Pingel (Northern Illinois University). “3D Printed Maps from Global DEMs, LiDAR and UAV Sourced Photogrammetry”
Hannah Eboh (Northern Illinois University). Risk Perception in Small Island Developing States: A Case Study in the Commonwealth of Dominica”
Research Grant Recipients 2016
Stacey Brown, Ph.D (SIU Edwardsville). "Gateway to Poor Health? Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Disparities in Metro East St. Louis."
Matthew Fockler (Augustana College). "Downriver Again: An Examination of Socio-ecological Change in the Upper Mississippi Watershed since the 9-Foot Channel Project."
Courtney Gallaher (Northern Illinois University). "A survey of Community Gardens Programs in the Midwest: Assessing Contributions to Community Food Security."
Lisa Tranel and Kacey Garber (Illinois State University). "Spatial Evaluation of Stream Erosion and Knickpoint Evolution using Detrital Mineral Tracers and Rock Strength."
Research Grant Recipients 2015
Julie Williams Lawless (Western Illinois University) and Kapila D. Silva (University of Kansas). "Towards a Holistic Understanding of 'Authenticity' of Cultural Heritage: an Analysis of World Heritage Site Designations in the Asian Context."
John Kostelnick, Ph.d (Illinois State University) and Courtney Tyler (Illinois State University). "Expansion and Impacts of Gentrification Along Chicago's Milwaukee Avenue."
Research Grant Recipients 2014
Thomas Pingel, Sheldon Turner, and Nicole LaDue (Northern Illinois University)“Perceptually Shaded Slope Maps”
Rex J. Rowley (llinois State University) “Neighborhood Casinos in Illinois: A Statewide Spatial Analysis of Gaming Patterns”